
INI SS Exam: Useful Strategies That Can Propel Your Exam Preparation

07 Nov 2023
Home INI SS Exam: Useful Strategies That Can Propel Your Exam Preparation

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Understand INI SS Exam Pattern

The INI SS exam is conducted in two stages through online CBT mode in English. The stage 1 exam duration is 90 minutes. The candidates need to answer 80 multiple choice questions. One mark will be awarded for each correct answer. Every incorrect answer fetch minus one third. Questions left unanswered will not score any marks.

You can expect questions from the general/basic component of the qualifying educational qualification. The syllabus also includes the sub-specialty/system components of the specialty course for which the examination is being conducted.

The stage 2 exam of INI SS exam is applicable to all AIIMS exams only and carries a total of 20 marks. Read on to discover a few tried and tested strategies that can really help you in your exam preparation.

Analyze Past Papers

You should analyze past papers for the exam. This process can provide you with two types of actionable insights. It will help you figure out the high yield topics. In addition, it will make you understand how in-depth the exam preparation should be.

Acquire The Right Study Material

Make sure that you find accessible and engaging study material. It should cover as much depth as the exam covers.

Set Smart Goals

Apply the principle of setting smart goals in your planning and preparations for the exam. Smart goals tend to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Set aside 4-6 hours every day and actively study by taking notes while reading textbooks and watching video lectures.

Try not to pressure yourself to any particular rank. Just focus on mastering the study material and simply taking the exam to measure your progress. Spend every minute doing your best by making notes and studying.

Learn To Manage Time

In case emergencies reduce the amount of your study time, quickly re-prioritise your study plan for the day. Spend the available time reading up on a high yield topic.

Aim to set aside a minimum of 4 hours each day to study no matter what the challenges are. Enrolling in an INI SS course can also be extremely beneficial.

Hope you found this information useful. All the best for your exam.

By : admin
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